Homework Due Friday, December 14th

Please bring your textbooks and any other materials you think you will need. I have reserved the laptop cart so you can begin typing the text portion of the assignment. I attached the Powerpoint document and the chapter guides for the assignment to this note. 

For homework (due Friday), please read pages 404 - 411. Make sure you read the green section on sharecropping on page 411.  

Homework for November 19th

Read in Chapter 13:

Pages 314 - top of 316 , 322 - 323,  Bottom of 324 -328

Take notes on the following:

- The Frontier Thesis

- Life in the West: Real vs. Ideal

- Federal government's role in westward expansion 

- The impact of westward on Native Americans

E Block - Prepare for the in-class DBQ Essay.  You will not need to use every document. You will not be allowed to use notes. I will give you a blank copy of the DBQ in class on Monday.