September 26th

Class Recap: 
Today we focused on the impact of the outcome of the  7-Years War:
​​- How it shifted the balance of power in North America
​​- How it complicated and/or shifted the relationship between the British and their colonies
​​- How some of the Post-war actions and reactions lead us closer to the American Revolution​The powerpoint linked above shows these relationships in a bit more detail.   ​

​E Block - Be ready to discuss the first reading in Chapter 5 for Thursday. Read the second reading listed on the study guide for Friday, and finish Chapter 5 over the weekend. We will have a quiz on the first two readings this Friday, the 28th. Keep and eye out for how the theory of Representation differs in England and in the Colonies. 

F Block - Finish Chapter 5 by Friday. We will have a quiz on the first two readings  this Friday, the 28th. Keep and eye out for how the theory of Representation differs in England and in the Colonies. 


September 20th

Today we reviewed for our Chapter 1, 2, and 3 test.
​Here's a diagram that may prove helpful in your studies.  Review the other diagrams that were handed out. Try to explain each of the connections. This will help you manage the volumes  of terms covered in the first three chapters.  

Study Tip: Try making your own connection charts with the terms from the study guides. 

September 18

​Read the Bacon's Rebellion and Slave Trade handouts that were distributed in class today.
​You can also find them at the following links:  Bacon Reading  & Slave Trade Reading .

We will Test on chapters 1, 2, and 3 this Friday

​Class Recap:

​Today we explored the evolution of the Chesapeake and New England colonies and the impact the introduction of Slavery had on the British Colonies in the New World. We also explored differences and the connection between the Production Economy of the Chesapeake Region and the Consumption Economy of New England.   ​

Two concepts worth contemplating are: "Slave Society"  vs. "A Society with Slaves" How does this apply to the regions we have studied thus far?​